Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cole's birthday

Aahhh... my neglected blog. Not sure if it's a New Year's thing or just finally finding a moment to write a bit, but going to try to get caught up on the last few months. Cole's birthday was held mid-October - it was crazy. Fun, but crazy. I think I had a temporary lapse of insanity when we invited about ten 5-8 yr old boys over. I started thinking about it and realized that Cole didn't have a true party last year (just had 2 friends over to spend the night) and the two years previously we lived at a house that had a pool, so we spent the party outside, in the pool, etc. It was definitely not as crazy those years. Aahhh... think I really missed that pool this year! And a few of our activities planned for the party this year were to take place outside. Of course, it started raining about 30 minutes into the party. Fun memories though! Anyway, here's the pics:
Cole is sooo into Legos right now, so it was of course a Lego party. The boys each had their own little Lego set to put together. Some were master builders and others weren't quite sure what to do, so this kept us very busy trying to help!

My sweet Cole... can't believe you are now 7 years old. You have certainly brightened our world... you are constantly thinking and keeping us on our toes with your challenging questions and thoughts. I know your Daddy is happy to have someone to watch basketball and football games with and look through the newspaper for different scores and stats! :-) I am looking forward to the rest of your year as a 7 year old!

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