Monday, October 5, 2009

Dad update

Some of you have been asking how my dad is doing... maybe we should do a caring bridge site at some point, but I guess a part of me is hoping this will be short lived and there's no need to do a whole new website... I know that is probably not realistic thinking, but... And my sweet dad is such a private person, he just hates for attention to be on him. So dad, if you read this, sorry, but it's an easy way to post some updates on you :-)

Though not sure there is much to report right now... the biggest news is that he had to move his care from Mayo in Jacksonville (where they live) to MD Anderson here in Orlando. They received a HUGE bill from Mayo (and there are still more to come) - they knew they were out of network going to Mayo but thought they just had to meet a certain deductible and then it would all be covered... that wasn't the case, so he has had to move all treatments, appointments, etc. to MD Anderson, which is in network. The bad news is that he has to travel here to Orlando each week - thankfully we live here and can help and they have a free place to stay each week :-) My mom also told me that MD Anderson was ranked #1 in cancer hospitals (they saw it in a cancer magazine), and everyone I have talked to here in Orlando that has used MD Anderson speaks very highly of it. So, hopefully he will receive super good care there!

I think he will have scans again in about another month or so - I haven't heard anything about this lately since he moved his care to here. I am supposed to go with him to his next doctor appointment, which is Thursday, October 22nd, and hopefully we will find out more then. I don't think the chemo has been too, too terrible. His normal wake-up time now is about 3 a.m. (having trouble sleeping), and of course, the hair is starting to fall out, but the side effects are definitely not as bad as last time around (several years ago).

Thank you all my sweet friends and family for your prayers and concerns for how he is doing!

All knowing Cole?

The school has started this really awesome Bible curriculum this year through Summit Ministries. I may be a little biased towards it because Summit has a location at Bryan College, where Chris and I attended, but I have to say, they do some really awesome trainings on other worldviews and how a Biblical worldview fits into our lives. (They also have one in Colorado). Apparently they have now created a curriculum for elementary school kids. It is neat to see the papers Cole brings home but even better, the things he comes home and talks about.

A few weeks ago, he said to me "Mom, did you know God is all knowing? He knows everything!" And then he started telling me all sorts of things God knows. And me, thinking we were going to have this wonderful conversation and great teaching moment, responded back to him with some comments of my own. He then said"I wish I was all knowing!". Yeah, so much for that great spiritual conversation. He went on to tell me how cool it would be if he could know everything, like who was going to win the football game or what someone was thinking, etc. Oh well...another day... I just laughed - thank goodness only God knows everything!