Sunday, April 15, 2012
Soccer Champs!
Ansley was fortunate to join up with a team that has (for the most part) played together for a couple of years. The coach is amazing and does such a great job working with the girls and really teaching them skills. They won their little championship tonight but it was stressful! The game was still tied (0-0) at the end so it went into over time - they played two 5 min quarters and it was STILL tied, went into a shoot out (penalty kicks- not cool!!!). Ansley was one of the 5 girls to do a kick (the goalie stopped it). At the end of each team having their 5 kicks, it was tied at 1-1 so it went to sudden death with the kicks and we won!! Ansley plays goalie at least once at some point in the game, but thankfully she didn't have to be goalie for this! The girls also had their playoff game for the older division (U10) today. At the end of overtime it was 1-1 so we went to penalty kicks then also, but we lost that one :-(. We actually played that game (against the older girls) before the younger championship one, so the girls really did well - they were not playing with fresh legs by the time their age level game started.
Glad to have a rest from soccer now (only Cole is playing basketball at this time). Ansley said she was sad soccer was over, so I am thankful she wasn't sick of it. We have had fun watching her play, but it's time for a little break!!
One of the pics is of Ansley getting ready to do her penalty kick. Just a wee bit stressful for mom! :-)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Lukey Luke
One Sunday morning he was dressed for church in a nice polo style shirt. I saw him a few minutes later with a jacket on over it & didn't think much of it since it was cool out. We then got to church and he took his jacket off and jumped out (I now realize this was all planned on his part!)... Looked over and saw he had changed shirts - had on an old t shirt that had a bleach stain with a nice sweater vest on over. I wanted to laugh at how he looked but took a picture instead :-)
He also has had a few cuts and bruises in the last few weeks. A run in with the fence and then fell off the little power wheels jeep and got a nice cut above his eye (a Dr who lives on our neighborhood stopped by to look at that one- saved us a trip to the ER!!)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The Mayberry sports update
Cole finished up wasn't the most productive season (they won almost all of their games by a lot of points), but he had fun getting to play with his friends, and being a new kid, that was a good thing... His team won their little championship but it ended up being a much closer game (the final one) than the others- tied for most of the game. Cole did great bringing the ball down the court under pressure & made a huge basket at the end to put us up by 4.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
A few tidbits...

I know you're wondering why in the world there are is a picture of these shoes, right? Funny story...hopefully not too much info... Luke has a bad habit of using the bathroom and not flushing the toilet. I'm constantly calling him into the bathroom to come flush it, usually because the smell has called me in there. So... the other night, Luke had left a little "nugget" in the toilet. Gross! Chris was getting ready to give Luke a bath, and he (Chris) needed to use the bathroom himself, so he pushed the handle to flush the toilet but also started peeing in it at the same time (while the toilet was flushing). Also at this time, Luke is undressing to get in the bath and he kicks his black school shoe off - which flies off and lands in the toilet! Also, the toilet is starting to overflow. It stopped before overflowing on the floor (another story about this in a sec) but the shoe is still in the toilet and Chris was trying not to pee on it. Luke did get the shoe out (which he put outside) and Chris got the toilet cleared up, and gave the kids a bath. He told me about it shortly after, so I decided to head immediatel to Wal-Mart (I had actually meant to take Luke shopping that day for new shoes but never made it there - he did actually need new ones). I had no desire to try to clean a shoe that was starting to fall apart anyway, so Luke got new school shoes (they have to wear solid color - all white, black or brown, or these navy and white Keds). I took a picture of these to ask Chris if he thought they'd be ok. And honestly, I didn't care at that point - at least he had a pair of clean shoes to wear the next morning!
A side note about the toilet - Luke put too much toilet paper in the toilet (the one that he and Ansley, and eventually Kallie, share) a few months ago, and it overflowed onto the floor. For some reason, a lot of the houses here have carpet in the bathrooms. Ours is a little different in that there is at least tile around the toilet and bathtub area, but there is carpet around the sinks. (Cole's bathroom is small and is completely tile). So, thankfully there was just pee in the toilet that time, but it still overflowed and managed to spread on down to the carpet some too. I cleaned it and put baking soda on it and sprayed Febreeze, but it still had this yucky smell. (WHY is there carpet in the bathroom??). We had the carpets cleaned (including the bathroom) and it smelled better, but this "almost overflowing" incident has made us decide to get new tile in there - soon! :-)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Bit of mischief
A friend made a very delicious chocolate cake for me for my birthday. Kallie enjoyed that too--- the girls in this family are definitely all chocolate lovers! :-) Luke & Ans wanted to pose in a picture too with the little messy face child.